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tv   Kazakh TV News  PBS  December 5, 2013 7:00am-7:31am PST

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steve. you knew long ruling will. it is to extend visited the service center for vehicle registration in issuing driver's licenses the center was thought to be a pilot mode in september the senate issued four thousand drivers licenses and registered more than seventeen thousand carson to open her mind that the samoa specialized service centers operated in all monte carlo and a hand towel in the near future the centers will open and allows the blog are the top of loaves and cut
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the cord on its woes kids with god. almost one hundred and forty thousand inspections of small and medium sized businesses have been conducted and cut expenses the beginning of the year. this was announced by the first vice minister preached on the vellum and of coz extent that beck was invited at a briefing at the office of such communication service. some violations have been revealed during the analysis and by monitoring of audits conducted by the government agencies. one of them is non compliance with the band on inclusion of small businesses in the plan of audits in the first three years the vice minister noted that in accordance with the president's commission the government has developed an approach for for the improvement of state control in the reduction of the number of inspections for example has proposed to conduct regular inspections of business is classified as low risk. amendments to the law on state control and monitoring has also developed which gave the reason behind conducting unscathed with inspections. silly. it is
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getting. it is generally plan to switch to control over business from detection and punishment to convention. we want to introduce an assessment system of state control effectiveness. now it is no secret that any supervisory authority first the law takes into account the number of violations and the mala fides. that probably is not the primary motivating factor for development of viewership on the contrary a government agency should take preventative measures. living units. he is too huge shevchenko the district court of kiev made a decision to keep nine suspects under arrest for two months. they were detained on suspicion of organizing mass riots and protests in kiev on sunday december first. interfax reports. in the meanwhile the protests to continue thousands of people remain on the main square of kiev in demand resignation of the government in the present in the coffin of the voter gets no confidence to the cabinet of ministers but the protesters say that they would not leave the square until the government resigns on this deal they're all corrupt they do not sign an agreement with the european
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union. we're protecting our rights because we want to be in europe. i missed an eagle eyes out of said that the government demonstrated tolerance to the protesters however he warned the demonstrators about the responsibility for their actions. it teaches you a certain political forces without any constructive play and pushes protests and violence. the little store my ministry buildings which hinders the work of government agencies. it is a criminal offense. i want to ask you so called leaders of the street protests. the one taking responsibility for these actions the protesters continued to storm the building of the ukrainian cabinet of ministers on wednesday the deputies from the opposition parties said that they would not work and to the government resigns the speaker of the faculty of the bout was forced to close the meeting the passenger train derailed in bangladh in these four people were killed and over fifty injured. the accident happened because some unknown people dismantled the rails the law enforcement officers reported the rest of two suspects. the accident took place on the backdrop of the transport blockade the clear by the bangladesh
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nationalist party the party activists are known to attack police in the supporters of the government also said trains and cars on fire last week a bang when the central electoral commission scheduled parliamentary elections for d with its two thousand fourteen the party demanded the formation of a non party cabinet for the elections cover the prime minister sheikh on cnn has formed a temporary cabinet which includes representatives of three different political parties the scientists of the medical university of austin are perceived to one million teeny grants. these funds will be used for research in the field of medicine and pharmacy. the support program was established by st a member of a fireman group in order to reveal the true potential of the scientists at the medical university of las them on a tip and called the detection of truffle cyanide in the by material was one of the best scientifihis method was not applied in the country according to the experts this technique will be used in forensics all that his topic is relevant for cars extent
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because couple simon has a drug. but recently joined the addicks are using in many cases of poisoning were revealed. there's no method to detect that the autopsy it's not just for fun the social care cost them a conference has been held in austin i had international volunteer day which is celebrated on december fifth of dissidents discuss challenges and prospects of volunteerism development in kazakhstan the national volunteer network has been working for the third year in kazakhstan. it is an organization which unites volunteers around the country the target groups of volunteer activities are elderly and disabled people sick children and even animals. the main thing in this case is a sincere desire to help the needy for free then it can be chairperson of the national volunteer network notes that the average age of volunteers in context and twenty five to thirty. that means that the professional level of volunteerism is increasing and the people that decide to volunteer for the benefit of the society take this work more thoughtfully and deliberately. what they are
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skinny build an organization has been working for three years all of these years we try to improve the status of volunteers in some way the practice of volunteers is a mostly professional volunteers who have their own families jobs and some free time during which they are willing to do some good deeds helping people who really need to hear any and all that sort of thing. the latest news is that three got the dogs cuts out that stevie got kate said. cynics find the use of one hundred and twenty thousand teachers from kazakhstan will take advanced training is part of the teachers and school principals of bond street project is part of the program developed by those of my intellectual schools but thomas educational denies a sham and other trained specialists are paying their attention to ease the fact that kazakhstan is interested in here is a foreign countries. it suits
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them. thomas is growing. in sentencing. improvement in systems that are in place since i can say it enough experts noted that the present day realities require some permanent improvements in existing educational system every year of global economic integration and the changing of late the market both need highly qualified staff responding to european standards in this connection professional experience of more than teachers of both school and university is six pounds and becomes more diverse. this is why especially say that it requires foreign expertise presently with the support of the cars the minister of education. the countries implementing some programs aimed at providing advice training for teachers. one of such programs stipulates the course of study and the united kingdom as part of the cambridge university program. in this state allocates one point eight
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meaning team gear for every trainee and i would like to know that he is a very expensive program. in addition we have developed program for university teachers who do not have an opportunity to go abroad for a continuous course of study in cambridge university program provides a tomb on scores of stocking the uk combined with a one month online course. in addition despite the peace program teachers have the chance to take advanced training online and then was a visiting special east thousand to get the training for these programs. yet overall. i believe that teachers training has already become system applies to find convenes that with the help of wonder and technologists will bring up a generation of talented pupils and students as you know we have really talented students in such tales as mathematics and physics. we are aiming at preparing people was good creative thinking. it is over
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with. in addition experts know that apart from the improvements in kazakhstan is university's the country's witnessing the gradual strengthening of university chains. those improvements can cease to be unification and enlargement of the university's while those high of education institutions regional meet some nice requirements will be downgraded to college as reasonably good scripts run scorer of all students to other universities the cause of ministry of education and science believes that after the unification of regents will create knowledge and innovation centers instead of two of three small universities which will bring in fact in the next few years the official website of the cars the minister of labour and social security has published an official statement without increasing the size of the mostly calculation and bakes and the median wages for twenty
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fourteen according to seoul told ok said the draw for the twenty fourteen to twenty cc national budget suggests improving the minimum calculation and expect one thousand eight hundred and fifty two team gear and sending the wages of nineteen thousand nine hundred and sixty six to get chrome generate twenty fourteen sites celestial ounces is probably going to be the least number one and two the child both the loans monthly child care payments up to one's year special stage allowances paid in benefits should only increase the speakers. in addition to the sublime to intrude use the indexation of basic social disability benefits britain and death benefits basic social benefits for the retired benefits for parents and caretakers was on to reach children with disabilities. i know. i do
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sure or scolding the book is a rusty so uber rock show two of the month of sight speed is director since two thousand and six. still makes show up all the students arrive on time with them i still get to it. one last ditch bid to help get the bomb us he is the issue the local cpa which to distribute the little one up on it. i'm starting to reek seen vast improvements in its educational services before the fall of the top bunch who doesn't want only fifty thousands of white meat in children's court where tourists. this is international intervention the beginners recent two eight million including premium goes up. with five million children still out of school stuff from government is working hard to provide
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them see the ducks this dish for the doctrine of the job on top of it well you know something. you see. they all put it out though the idea that the chip. such solution to be affected due to the digi and what not to know what yet. she does. the view that the decision but a television that that that is that the bottle last night and embed it into these programs which include classics at least receive our biology and a beach in the short course code has been able to provide education to men and women up
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to forty five years of age for some of them score means that once in a lifetime opportunity. but the photo above. when she saw that it was. it would assess the pool but that is to equate it with you. well but then even more to that. that was monday and they use to mow. to me that she didn't get to post it here. people need to get it soon. that's what the cheer for them all done he says the twenty five but spending horsemen. we have the tendency to listen to them. the man who was known and respected. was it. it's still a knighthood. much color spectrum. and yes you read the ticket sales. sam
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no be small. if you let it heat it was a small short videos even more for a pony show. how about that. i get on a budget in increasing numbers of tourists and poisons close enough to start minister that the patients biggest challenge is currently facing the lack of trained teachers. essential equipment. unluckily infrastructure. nevertheless mr maher the inside says prospects for the kitchen in the country part of me up love will love it. he was eleventh of june. so if you don't know the speech. it was israel's top scientists leading the charge in developing alternative energy bio fuel from one of the world's most abundant life points to algae. fossil fuels like oil rapidly disappearing. finding the new energy sources is critical
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that's right touch of weeks more than eco energy is finding ways to help local and international energy suppliers and infrastructure companies go green the algae is attractive because not only reduces costs and outside and smoke stacks. it also doesn't compete with cops for farmland. algae as a biofuel could produce thirty times more oil per acre than other crops such as corn and sugarcane. it will also be non toxic. jason also provide context and that i don't agree quickly the dpp group and the ppt fee of up to the twentieth anniversary of the eu single market. we're also looking at the future of the single market and how it can cause acute europe's economic revival by creating more jobs and stronger for it perhaps the most promising prospect is that digital single market sector. abbas potential to win hearts our
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lives and our prosperity early this year the european commission tabled a proposal to reform what's known as collective rights management many artists and performers use of organizations called collecting societies to my sense that what the commercial uses like tv stations radio stations and online music service providers. collecting societies also collect income on the hall for band members in the form of royalties reforming the way the society's what is a major focus of the commission's proposal. mario got a french member of our crew is pollen and scrapbook sew on the commission's proposal she's in listening mode just yet but still medical dossier eight. i'm looking for it to listening to all sides of this debate the dpp has organized this hearing and my goal is to work together with the affected countries which are sometimes taken a negative view of collecting societies. and to avoid disputes that we have previously sent her some copyright issues. we need to work in the general interest
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and in particular in the european attacks. but you don't have to mention a funny comment to take the puppy out of tp. collecting societies themselves acknowledge the need for more transparency and the need to adapt to new opportunities and to months of the digital single market. dun act represents the swedish performing right society. our stretches from our western society is to not act on a purely national basis. best of all the bases but to seek partnership with other societies launch new services spit the bit she cheats for teaching a double take the commission's proposal is being driven off by the possible economic benefits of effective manage digital marketplace but also by the sheer depth and breadth of europe's cultural heritage. he took the genome of the market is enormous and in comparison with other digital markets such as america we have an
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extraordinary cultural diversity. it's an economic sector that's very important for jobs and regrets. we need to get anything on that sixty percent of the tree that sell software costs on a golf day for them also to be easy for companies he added that the sexes. the commission's proposal is part of a wider strategy to develop the digital economy within the context of the eu twenty twenty strategy to build a sustainable knowledge based economy in europe. any piece of home being champions of the digital economy for the benefits it brings to the citizens they represent at the sbs there is a kurdish member of our. it's very significant to a proposal. sales are likely to go through ppp. specially i think we're close ups the coast in this development proposal on from the european and a commission specially not of course looks performance and
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publishers but it comes. of course you'll always be able to watch the ppt these digital content online wedding off. the city on a few days in a sixty eight to compete at any given. and instead often on the tv and be scammed by this time it's the vandalism of the cba china's white skin tightening money saved to get to speak. the white city of hope that those who have lost their sight. pity she didn't get the three hundred bc to compete against sun that he can apply for jobs in the private and sector. it's a nice pickup and its history the paper gets to watch it on the tube system under the tenth of what you must be kept as yuppie computers the foundation for growth and prosperity with the world's economy so closely connected. having
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organization with a mandate to keep the international financial system an even keel more important than ever the international monetary fund has warned from the lessons leaders took in the great depression and the global conflict that followed. membership has grown two hundred and eighty eight countries the imf is a forum for discussing policies that promote stable economic growth. it's a form of credit unions whose members contribute money can buy when they aren't. major blow for the imf help prevent craigslist and results when they occur. so when the global financial crisis began in two thousand and eight. the imf policy advice was to good use by countries to create what made the local response. the imf also provide funding and an unprecedented scale also on the web. and they've seen the torrens title. in the day i'm signing of a hike in
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with another edition of destination the sea. they have refrigerators in japan that's what they invented something called cc. most people don't know about this in a gary locke the ncc. so i had sticky rice to find out one evening when i order sushi. i'm here with brian. a sushi roll here at skippy right mind what kinds of sushi are added to that looked different. for defenders out there is not the woods is brought up that seem seaweed nori and out of their sauces that she knew it was pretty much just lays there is the bee's place in a number of ways. i then there's the year with his eyes as he slid over to us that was all wrong or is this it's all probably gotten a lot of it yet. there's also a lot of things lead me that i
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didn't hear voices within her heart was boiled with smoked salmon spawn. so let's make some sushi body is starting to get this at home yet we can go and get started i would like. surprise surprise they wanted to start with maki which is like the most typical. one or more of that one of the unit. its general the japanese hundred they prepare their mission to the us uncertain process that no one and two. it's pretty much a form of preservation they put on race and he was in a good fist of fun in and out. to preserve and make it so they keep the agreement anytime anywhere you know what it was done they would take it in the rice was discarded and run away and eventually certified been adding vinegar to it not been kind of laid out it's a good taste in everything they did so. that was the devil's tool and the kind of treated to a new and interesting talk to you. fake street food in me it was nice to garnish it with the cc when we ordered it. we had a softening which is what i saw it as a little
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bit of time. did a good kick to it which is a very refreshing. since then the about the clintons. with this as acts as a helpless what about the sushi that looks like just brace with a piece of fish on top once that ball that is called the eerie calm. i'd say that enough. so here's our salmon have only taken the person who suffers. you laid across molded into bed sheet. we all know what you know what sells to shoot anybody is that the way it looks so is the extravagant living in us a lot of fun and made them and that is the new. any other shades or visitation styles that we should know about seizing on behalf of their stuff. it's the one we make such inquiries into three pieces one. fun things to do here so take it. to me the states to pull things out of the consoling this aisle. a song like they are
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since i was. rainfall and so it should be a lot of fun. so you're actually be condemned to making it in presenting its almost like you wanna make art you make it so people. most of what he did a mix between now and that's the kind of how i avoided it for fifteen from the suspect was the main and only ways that have happened actually so there's some real eggs and property into a kind of yourself. they tell you that was three hours from well outside the bar. hey that looks good enough. what a blast. when he says he was in one bite and when you read
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here. your soy sauce based site down. also no not until mixture was a hobby or soy sauce. that you know what you're eating really tasty next time and destination busy sucking my the route in him. east africa has always been about reviewing the region's great rift valley was like gt h the cradle of humanity. john bolton is like this one the men in my crate and social content. rearrange geology top of the flora and fauna every few hundred units the new and rejuvenation occurred again in east africa this time through technology some say an internet revolution is underway in africa as its coal is a broadband internet than centered on kenya. i know. ms
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joke three places. but the stuff because i found them. it's indian ocean city of mombasa. his links to the various submarine internet cables that connect africa to europe and asia but based development bank of southern africa especially license financing africa's information communications technology sector. memphis old as the ict sector the cables and so does dishes and devices that connect people to the internet means that he thinks the us we are about to experience the admission that the next six. if one looks at the underwater sea cables sequel money to use the cable east coast of africa. and
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the envisaged that includes mental cable the opportunities that exist for that occasional of ict products the bed as it is all off the set of gorgeous the cables and the auntie and set to rights arguments and if they meet the cats in the next two years the african continent will change. change is already underway in kenya where it tries to establish the government is moving whole sectors of national administration online the pasta is all this little ball on the investment in the new government but that was going on in prospect. we have up a video box in front of a mile. we didn't ever do without what you would not comment on the one which is a total confusion. a muscle that in this. then we have done. i must buy bubble tea which links to this form of a calm peace. it's just the beginning. kenyans could soon skip a whole generation of standing in line filling in forms and mailing in checks. kenya is aiming to
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kill them by mobile phone what's weird is doing well he said to be re sold at a distance with the makeup. and the muscle to stick with stuffed with grace. we want the kitchen's moresby from when the mall buying for the course teaches you to get tips that will have to wait yet to support within the comp. as governments use the continent's whitening internet access to increase efficiency. so does comments which has tossed forces starting out on a scroll bands to business how do we promised the crisis using it using asp internet and phones. we have been and clean this up dead in this program. transfers are next to the will of its well established in east africa
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especially in kenya. it's been such is providing up to date global real time. this crisis should be shown. and then today so that they are standing up and it's daily basis. development experts say it's well worth african countries investing in broadband infrastructure as a top priority. the primitive roads railways and due to the streets. that's because information communications technology ict will ultimately power and enable the other investments. in one of those ports and rail systems the buildings to be the official ict infrastructure so touching hee hee hee emitting countries to ict has other sectors. it was a twenty oh six and has been on crutches with such interesting. a simple individual. it's fifty five. i think need to move
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with the bill and more. but you can get significant number of fixes. a week or so easy of use to promote this infinity soon. that entice you to use it at the same time you can do better if you own when you open. the none among us.


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